Infuse 8.0.6 now available

Infuse 8.0.6 is now available! :muscle:


  • Added haptic feedback for quick 2x playback speed control (iOS)


  • Optimized playback pipeline for faster start times*
  • Under-the-hood improvements for Home Screen


*Note: This update includes a number of improvements aimed at reducing the time required for a video to begin playing. We have done extensive testing across a wide range of share types and network conditions and are seeing loading times of up to 50% faster in some cases. These changes can help especially when connecting to servers in remote locations.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :christmas_tree::santa:


@James I appreciate that you’re putting effort in improving the core experience of the app, like improving the start time of the player. Unfortunately I think this has had a negative impact on the start time of playing media on fast connections.

Before the update, my playback would start nearly instantaneously. After the update it feels slower and I see two separate spinners during the playback start process. Maybe seeing two distinct spinners, one quickly appearing then disappearing, then another quickly appearing then disappearing, is causing me to perceive the start time as slower, but maybe the start time has also actually increased in cases where the connection to the server is very fast?

Thanks for working on improving the core experience! Merry Christmas!

There are a lot of factors which go into this, so you might try testing a bit more with different files to see if the results are different.

Also, sometimes when installing a tvOS update (like 18.2 which was recently released), the Match Content options can become disabled which can affect what you see on screen when a video begins.

If you still think you are seeing something a bit off after installing this update please send in a diagnostic report from your device so we can take a deeper look into what may be going on.

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Thanks for the update. Should the faster start times apply to things like local files played from a NAS?

Also any more into on the forced black screen for QMS users? No matter how fast Infuse can start the file, I still get a forced 4 second black screen.

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Thanks for the response. Submitted the report.

I’m on a Mac so it’s not related to the match content feature.

Yes, the changes will apply to files played from all source, but how much things improve will depend on the situation (in previous versions playback start was already pretty fast in most situations).


11 posts were split to a new topic: Streaming error with 302 redirects in 8.0.6