Infuse 8.0.3 now available

Infuse 8.0.3 is now available! :raised_hands:


  • Streaming cache improvements
  • Improved usability of Skip Intro and Skip Credits (tvOS)
  • Improved reliability when indexing some WebDAV shares
  • Improved Up Next artwork size when lists are not present on Home (tvOS)
  • Improved thumbnail sizes for home and details pages (iPadOS)
  • Various visual improvements (visionOS)


  • Fixed issue with player closing when adjusting playback settings (iPadOS)
  • Fixed refreshing Home when media share connections are restored
  • Other minor improvements and fixes

That’s what it feels like right now when I start infus, just wait :face_holding_back_tears:

I’m glad to see that work has returned on the main, basic things - improving playback.
After the release of 8.0.3, the situation with microfreezes has noticeably improved after rewinding/pausing on the video files of the m2ts container.
Microphryses have become much less common. And they pass much faster than they did in older versions of infuse.
The work done to improve the streaming cache is already visible and it’s good.
The main thing is to finish what you started.
Well, do not forget about the problem of crashing the player with the BluRay structure.

Does anyone else have problems with the forced subtitles? They don’t appear for me, even though “only forced” is activated in the settings. I have to activate them myself every time.

Ever since the update to 8.03 everything Infuse starts the refresh circle in the top right of the homescreen loads…and loads…and loads some more. It does eventually stop, but when exiting Infuse and going back in again it starts again. It’s basically perpetual whilst I’m looking for something to watch. Any idea what is causing this? It is happening on 2 of my ATVs at home. I’ve restarted all devices including the Plex server, but the behaviour is the same…Any idea what is causing this? Thanks

Hi James,

Please could you provide more information on what this entails?

I’ve been having a lot of issues with buffering on Onedrive with high bitrate 4K content, especially later in the title. This may be an issue with Onedrive throttling on my secondary accounts, as the download speed only seems barely fast enough on them, but it will be interesting to see if the streaming cache improvements help at all.

Edit Nothing has changed for me - still buffering

Where are you seeing this screen?

Great to hear!

The ‘Forced Only’ subtitle setting in Infuse will rely on having a subtitle track properly tagged as ‘forced’. You can verify Infuse recognizes this by looking for the ‘(Forced)’ tag listed next to the track name when opening the Subtitles menu while a video is playing.

If you are using Plex with Library Mode enabled Infuse will scan through your files automatically when the app opens to ensure everything is up-to-date. You can browse or play videos while this is taking place.

Can you try running a speed test from within Infuse to see what kind of speeds you are able to get?

These are the speeds I am able to get from OneDrive here, though this can vary based on your location, internet speed, and local network.

I have run the tests in Infuse a few times, and the speed depends on the account I am using, bizarrely. My primary OneDrive account can download at around 300-350 Mbps. I have five other secondary accounts on the same Office 365 subscription - four of them have a base speed of 70 Mbps, spiking regularly to 140 Mbps, while the last one runs consistently at 600 Mbps! It doesn’t make a lot of sense.

I’m pretty sure this is a OneDrive issue, rather than anything else. I was just hoping any streaming cache improvements might help ease some of the problems I’ve been having.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Background app refresh not working

It’s possible these may be temporary OneDrive issues, or perhaps related to some other temporary network issue.

One thing you can try is to pause the video for a bit after it starts playing. Doing this will allow Infuse to build up a bit more cache which may help avoid the buffering during playback.

Yes, they all have the “forced flag”. This also sometimes occurs when a new season of a series is started.

Has anything changed in the film recognition?
I have several collections that are suddenly no longer recognized as a collection, but as one film with 2 versions, but the same resolution.
Example: Before version 8
Film/R.E.D./R.E.D. - Älter. Härter. Besser./R.E.D. - Älter. Härter. Besser. (2010).mkv
Film/R.E.D./R.E.D. 2 - R.E.D. 2 - Noch Älter. Härter. Besser./R.E.D. 2 - Noch Älter. Härter. Besser. (2013).mkv
Is recognized as a collection with two films.
Not in version 8. Is recognized as a film with two versions.
I have changed it to:
Film/R.E.D./R.E.D. - Älter. Härter. Besser. (2010)/R.E.D. - Älter. Härter. Besser. (2010).mkv
Film/R.E.D./R.E.D. 2 - Noch Älter. Härter. Besser. (2013)/R.E.D. 2 - Noch Älter. Härter. Besser. (2013).mkv
Then it is recognized.

Have you at any point manually selected any of the non-forced subtitle tracks (or selected None)? I think Infuse remembers your last manual selection, so even if Forced Only is selected in settings, your manual selection will override that on any given title.

Well if they are temporary issues, they’ve lasted a good few weeks now!

I have tried the pause solution, yes. I can see the cache building up quite quickly on the time duration bar at the start of the film. Unfortunately, the film will eventually catch up and will start buffering - at that point the pause solution doesn’t seem to work and the cache doesn’t visibly build up.

How much disk space can the cache use? My Apple TV is quite low on disk space (3-4GB), so is it possible it’s running out of space to cache, or does the cache flush itself as the film progresses?

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At least not consciously. I’ll keep testing and get back to you.

In the new version 8.0.3, sometimes the buffering bar doesn’t appear at all, causing playback to stutter after 10-20 seconds. Other times, the buffering bar shows up as expected and buffers smoothly. I’m not sure what could be causing this issue. I still have the older version, Infuse 6, on my Apple TV, and there are no playback problems with it. My media server is set up on a remote server with unlimited Google Drive storage mounted (rclone) for Plex. And in Infuse 8, I’ve disabled the Plex library mode and am using the direct connection mode.

I think it’ll use quite a bit if it can. Try making more space on your Apple TV and see if it improves. 3 GB is not very much at all.

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Aero screensavers take up a lot of space. Especially on an Apple 4K TV with 32 gigabytes of internal memory.
There are two options.

  1. Make a factory reset. Disable screensavers.
  2. Turn off the screensavers. Fill up your memory with games from Apple Arcade. Delete games.
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They certainly do and I’ve got the 64GB version.

Good tip to fill up the disk with games then delete. I didn’t fancy resetting the Apple TV, so will try that instead.