Hey, I’m just a normal user and not a programmer or know-it-all. I had the exact same problem today and was really wondering why it stopped working. Then I realized I had accidentally slipped up. After that, of course, you can no longer fast forward or rewind. Have you ever noticed that?
This update has introduced a small visual bug with the iOS volume control. See video below - I’m moving my finger smoothly up and down, but every time the volume gets to around 5%, or around 95%, the graphic starts jumping around.
I’m seeing the same on my iPad. It’s a small thing, but it’s there.
Also, is it me or before version 8 the volume wasn’t increasing/decreasing in fixed 5% steps? It doesn’t feel as smooth now. At least when using the up/down gesture on an iPad.
Another audio bug I just noticed on iPad: when using bluetooth headphones the volume control overlay won’t appear at all when adjusting the volume with the up/down gesture during playback. But everything works correctly without the headphones connected to the device.
I know the infuse team are probably sick of people moaning by now, but I do have to say I really, really dislike the whole swipe up, cluttered seek bar interface - it’s SUCH a step down from the old one. You don’t have to make it the same as Apple TV (which itself is way worse than the old Infuse 7 interface).
IMO get rid of Info / Video / Audio / Subtitles from the bottom left and just integrate those options into the icons just above the seek bar to the right (and then move the seek bar down). I know it’s a first world problem but every time I use the seek function I sigh at how bad it is now. Why have Audio & subtitles text in the bottom left when there is also icons for audio & subtitles to the right? Here’s hoping it’ll be changed (as Infuse is still the best option around, just unfortunately the interface has been made worse than what it was).
My date order was all askew. Both in “watching” and “recently added movies”. The latter does seem to have corrected itself since I added some more content. However, my watching list has buried stuff I’m watching below stuff I watched weeks ago.
I absolutely agree with all your points, including that the “new” (now 3 years old) Apple player is, in most ways, inferior to the old minimalist UI.
What I suggested in the beta thread was offering the old playback UI as an option, at least while they’re (hopefully) working on improving the new player and addressing the remaining bugs. After all, there are three different pre-playback layouts, so why not have two players?
It’s ironic that after months of beta testing (where, to be fair, a lot of feedback was addressed and improvements made), I ended up reverting to the latest stable 7.x version and turning off auto-updates just a day before the new version was released on the App Store. I don’t think the new player is a total disaster, but it’s enough of a noticeable downgrade that I decided to stick with the old version. Since this is the only app I use my Apple TV for, why suffer even a minor inconvenience if it can be avoided, at least for now?
Thanks for taking the time to explain precisely how I feel about the seek bar but was too lazy to “put down in writing what was in my mind” (with thanks also to Bob Dylan).