Immersive environments for visionOS

One of the coolest features in visionOS are the immersive environments for media consumption, and one of my favorites is the Cinema Experience that is included in the Apple TV app, as well as the IMAX auditorium that you can experience within the IMAX app. My hope is that Apple will eventually open this feature up to where we’ll be able to create these independently, and they’ll work across apps, but for now I am just noodling around with some ideas in Blender.


That’s nice but I wonder if there is too much “light” that would distract?

I’d love the ability to map my living room and use that. It would make flights so comfortable.

How about one that would replicate the “Drive In” experience with sky, other cars, a concession stand in the distance, a mosquito coil burning on the dash, and of course sound that only comes from the box hanging on the drivers window.

Oh and the ability to “flash your headlights” when the film breaks…

:oncoming_automobile: :oncoming_automobile::oncoming_automobile:
:oncoming_automobile: :oncoming_automobile::oncoming_automobile:
:oncoming_automobile: :oncoming_automobile: :oncoming_automobile:

Ideally, there would be multiple scenes with a “light” mode and “dark” mode that would let the user choose. One benefit to having a more well lit environment is that it cuts down on the pancake lens glare from high-contrast content.

That’s a great idea! I imagine it would be somewhat similar to the Tatooine environment on the Disney+ app, where it puts you in the driver seat of a speeder.

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Apple really should at least donate their theater environment to anyone who wants to use it. I can think of lots of indy style apps like Infuse that will benefit from a “big ass screen” environment, and modeling one is probably not something in their wheelhouse.


The Disney+ experience is the best as they put the video at the good distance automatically…I would love Infuse to do it too… any plan?

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Are immersive environments for visionOS on the roadmap? And if so, when can we expect to first see them?

I saw that the Suggestions has been updated as of 31 Jan but there is no mention of immersive environments for visionOS or 3D support… is this a typo ?

Not a typo, removed from their plans.

Not removed from plans, it was removed from the published short list. Note the thread is still tagged as “planned”.

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does this mean that these two features are no longer planned for the 8.1.x release? if so, then it is very disappointing for those of us who have been patiently waiting for these two features.

Maybe, or maybe not. But there are 17 other “planned” suggestions. It’s honestly better not get your hopes up for anything until it’s been moved to “in progress”

It’s a bummer, but honestly I understand why. Probably lots of work for a handful of users.

It got moved to “Suggestions”…yikes!
Honestly, I think it’s better this way, it’s been a couple of times where it was added to the roadmap only to be taken away, too dissapointing. At least now expectations are low.
I just paid one year but honestly, I only watch on Vision Pro, and occasionally on iPad, which I can substitute with Plex, so I may not renew the next one.