iCloud sync - Problem

Hi! I’m having a problem with Infuse and iCloud, and I don’t know if it can be solved.

I have lot of videos on iCloud, and I know you need to download first to playing them.

But when I open Infuse, it index, and searches for metadata, and downolads all video files, not only the video I want to watch. It’s blocking iPhone because of storage (If I have 64 GB, and on iCloud I have 100 GB of video files), due to Infuse needs to download all to index.

For example, on other apps that I use, as Smart Comics, you have all files indexed, and only downloads the comic you are going to read, not all folder or files.

It could be possible to implement on Infuse a real iCloud file sync or improve it, if it’s a bug? not only synicing metadata.

Perhaps this is a way to have iCloud file sync on Apple TV ,if it’s possible.

I am not talking about stream playing as other platforms.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Optimize Library indexing for iCloud Drive directories