How Can I Downgrade Apple TV2 firmware 5.2 to 5.1 or 5.01

Hi Everyone,

I’m new to Jailbreaking Apple TVs and haven’t managed to yet.

I was about to on my ATV2 but I upgraded the firmware to 5.2 by mistake.

Reading these posts it seems that 5.2 isn’t properly supported yet so I want to get the firmware back to a version that is supported.

Can someone point me in the right direction on how to downgrade the firmware and also what is the best firmware to go back to? (I want to be able to access XBMC and Icefilms.)

Sorry if this is a basic question but I’ve tried Googling and most of the information is about TinyUmbrella or about jailbreaking iPhones or iPads etc.

Because I’m new to this I’m finding it a bit of an ‘information overload’ and all I really want a simple instruction.

If you use SeasonPass to do the jailbreak, then the current version will default to installing 5.0.2 (untethered) jailbreak, and give you an option to install the 5.1 (tethered) jailbreak.   We are expecting a new version of SeasonPass shortly that will be able to do the 5.2 untethered jailbreak.

Thanks very much, I was hoping it would be something simple like that.

Can you please explain further, I just got an apple tv2 from someone and unfortunately, they had updated it to 5.2…I tried to use SeasonPass, but iTunes said the device could not be restored, I assume because apple is not signing 5.0.2 anymore. If you do know a way around this I would love to hear it. Otherwise I guess I am waiting for SeasonPass 5.2 jailbreak.




edit: I had to go down to itunes 10.7, but that did the trick

I followed the instructions to create the IPSW file and have managed to jailbreak my Apple TV2. Great news!!

Now that I have the IPSW and the xxxxxx.RELEASE.DFU files created and stored on my PC, can I use them anytime to jailbreak my Apple TV again (if I have mistakenly upgraded the official Apple firmware or some other reason). Or do I have to open up SeasonPass and create it all over again from the start?

I unfortunately upgraded my Apple TV 2 to 5.2 and wanted to sell it on eBay , I’m confused as to whether downgrading is possible as of this date I think season pass points to 5.2 untethered?

I don’t think you can downgrade to an older jailbroken version anymore. (but I don’t thing you need to either)

As far as I know (and I’ve only Jailbroken my ATV2 a week ago), whatever version of the Apple fimware you have gets replaced by the latest jailbroken firmware that SeasOnPass creates.

So for instance last week I had mistakenly upgraded to Apple firmware 5.2 but at that time the SeasOnPass firmware creator could only jailbreak Apple firmware 5.0.2 so it downgraded me to a jailbroken version of that firmware (untethered).

But a couple of days ago this site announced that it can now do an untethered jailbreak of Apple firmware 5.2 so now the latest SeasOnPass will create a jailbroken version of 5.2 instead from now on.

On the troubleshooting page it says to always have the latest SeasOnPass version so even if you have upgraded to Apple firmware 5.2 it won’t matter now as SeasOnPass will create a jailbroken version of it which at the end of the day is what you want.

I will get round to re-jailbreaking my ATV2 soon so that it will be 5.2 instead of 5.0.2 but I’m not sure yet whether I will have to re-install XBMC, Nito and all the other things I have just put on.

You can downgrade to 5.0.2 since Apple is still signing it. By default SeasonPass always installs the latest version it knows about (currently 5.2). 

 If you want an earlier version then right-click the “Create IPSW” button and you will be able to select the version to use.

I tried doing that but after the process I got the message : iTunes restore script failed! Select IPSW in Finder…

What does that mean? What am I doing wrong? Can you please guide me step by step if you can?

Earlier I was using version 5.0.2 and my XBMC & Plex were SSH to them and they were working fine. Then I saw this upgrade from Firecore and I accidently restored it in iTunes to an unjailbroken version of 5.2.

Before I did that i did back up my firmware on my apple TV. Is there a way I can get it back through there maybe?

I don’t know, all I know is that I can’t let go of my Plex, I stream all my movies and Tv shows to my living room and now without Plex I’m lost.

Please Help…

thank all, this helps. i will try, the reason I want to downgrade is the 5.2 JB doesn’t support XBMC I’ll try the suggestions, it was also pointed out to me there is an iclaified page w older firmware, I’ll post link when I find it.

It says iTunes restore script successful and than the bottom DONE box is gray out. That means I cannot do any thing it is compleatly lookout. would that mean they are no longer signing 5.02?

Hello Everyone,

I recently was given an apple tv 2 with 5.2 which we all know by know is not compatible with xvmc, ice films and more. I tried to downgrade my apple tv 2 but at the end of the process iTunes state that the restore was not complete. when i tried to restore using the current firmware, everything goes great. does anyone know a work around to bring my apple tv 2 back to 5.0.2??? I have tried messing with the hosts file and that didn’t work (maybe i did it wrong). Im open to any suggestion. I hope this doesn’t mean i just have to wait for xbmc to make a compatible version. That might take years!!!

I managed to do it. took 4 tries, control click when seasonpass asks to create ispw. I’ll do a step by step here as soon as I have time. don’t know yet why it finally worked. downgraded to 5.0.2 link can be found by searching for iclarified Apple TV firmware more later , thanks all for the help
here is that link forvthe 5.0.2 firmware, I’m still uncertain what I did different that made it work on the 4th attempt.

ok so i have downloaded the the version 5.01 but how do i get it onto my apple tv?

i have just purchased the ATV2 with the latest software which is not allowing me to JB the damned thing.
