Home movies

Can anyone help me in turning off automatic metadata download for home movies? I want to leave it on for proper movies, TV shows etc., but turn it off for my home movies folder since it does not apply.

I could set this on my jailbroken ATV2 but can’t find a similar option for the ATV4 version, or even a reference as an upcoming feature.

Thanks very much

+1, great request


+1 more

+1 from me. Would be awesome!

My wedding video received the “Wedding Crashers” poster and info :slight_smile:
Had to change the video name to something NOT “wedding” to remove it :frowning:

Would love this too


So, by following the instructions here: http://support.firecore.com/hc/en-us/articles/215090887-Metadata-and-Cover-Art, I have managed to get rid of the rogue cover art and replace with generic cover art of my choice. Just need to put a homemoviename.jpg file in the same directory. This should help with ychen’s wedding video!

I can’t get rid of the descriptive blurb though, as the use of an xml file doesn’t seem to work. I see it as an option in the metadata options, select it, but it doesn’t work. Can anyone from Firecore advise as to whether I am doing something wrong or whether this is not a feature yet of the new version. Thanks


The jpg file worked for use with static home movie folders. Thanks so much for the link.