HELP!!! Installing new update to ATV2

I have a jailbreaked ATV2 which worked perfectly until today.

My little brother did by a mistake restored the original settings for my ATV2 and it updated by it self to Apples new update.

I quickly downloaded FireCores new update and have tried to jailbreak it again with the new software and process is going just fine until my MAC opens iTunes to make the last installations to my ATV2 and the following error appears:

Apple TV “Apple TV” couldn’t restore. This device isn’t eligible or the requested build.

Can anyone help me ???

In the latest Seas0nPass if you right click Create IPSW and select 4.4.4 it should allow you to restore as long as the SHSH blobs for 4.4.4 were backed up.

Thanks for the help.

It works perfectly with new update nok. Forgot to update SeasonPass.