Help : cant get in DFU

Hello everybody,

So here is the situation : I have a 2nd hand atv2 black that was on 5.0 (and presumably never jailbreaked), I updated it today to 5.01 without problem and downloaded last seasonpass version for a untethered jailbreak. I plugged my micro-usb cable and the atv2 light sarted rapidly flashing (as it should) so I launched seasonpass as indicated in the tutorial and it started downloading, unzipping, etc… so far so good.

The problem comes at the end of the procedure : when seasonpass asks me to enter in DFU mode, nothing happens (I press on both buttons for 7 seconds, each time I try windows seven shows me a “USB not recognized” notification but nothing else happens, itunes doesn’t start.

Is my micro-cable functionning ? it’s a cheap blackberry charging cable from ebay and when i plug it to the atv, the light is flashing so I guess everything is OK :-/

Any idea or suggestion ?

Thanking you in advance

Try also using the power cable. Make sure the USB is connected to the computer itself not through a hub or monitor or front ports of a computer.

Also before you plug the USB in make sure you are holding down Menu and Play/Pause.

Thanks for this fast reply !

…I tried all your suggestions but it didn’t make any difference (I also deactivated windows firewall, and changed some tinyumbrella settings)

I guess (hope ?) that the cable is not good, i’m just surprised that the atv falshes when connected

I had exactly the same thing. A restore in iTunes before JB’ing helped.

Just for the record : it was a cable problem

I bought another micro-USB cable looking exactly the same as previous and everything worked fine :slight_smile: