Guide to Connecting Infuse to Synology Using WebDAV (HTTPS)

I was recently struggling to find a complete list of instructions to follow to share my Synology NAS to Infuse via WebDAV. The reasons you’d want to do this is to access your media files when you’re away from home.

After searching through Infuse forums and Reddit, I have mashed together various instructions into a process that worked for me. Some of these steps might not be needed (and I’m no expert), but hopefully they work for you.

  1. Log into your Synology NAS, and install WebDAV Server from the Package Centre
  2. Open WebDAV Server and turn on Enable HTTPS (in my case it already had portal 5006 in the HTTPS port box). I also selected ‘no speed limit’. All other options on this page were left off.
  3. Click Apply and exit the WebDAV Server
  4. Open Control Panel and open External Access (under Connectivity)
  5. Under the DDNS tab, click Add
  6. For Service Provider, I used Synology (which gives you a DDNS). Select a hostname, and fill out your Synology NAS username and password
  7. Click Add
  8. Open Control Panel and open User
  9. Click on your user and click Edit
  10. Under Applications, ensure WebDAV Server is ticked with Allow (I am also assuming your user has appropriate read/write access to the shared folders you have set up)
  11. If you have a firewall turned on, I also added the WebDAV (5006) application to the server by going to Control Panel–>Security, select Firewall, Edit Rules for Firewall Profile, and adding a new firewall rule for ‘select from a list of built-in applications’ and selected WebDAV Server on portal 5006
  12. The final step was to forward port 5006 on my Router. Some times you can use EZ Connect to do this automatically, but in my case I had to go to my router, and add a new port forward rule for Port 5006 to the IP address of my Synology NAS. I forwarded both TCP and UDP and also added the same rule for IPv4 and IPv6. Unfortunately a lot of routers are different so you might have to Google how to forward ports on your specific model.
  13. In Infuse, under Settings, select Add Files, then select via Network Share
  14. Name the share (can be anything), change the Protocol to WebDAV (HTTPS), add your DDNS address that you created above (i.e., add your username and password of your Synology NAS. Click Advanced, and add the WebDAV portal from step 2 (in my case, 5006). Click Save, and if everything is correct is should connect remotely to your Synology NAS and show a list of folders.

And that’s it. It seems convoluted, but you only have to do this once and you should be right. The only caveat is that the DDNS service expires if you don’t use it once every 60 days.


Run a VPN server. More likely more secure.

If you’re wanting to watch your movie collection remotely, PLEX would also be a good choice

Punching holes through your firewall to your NAS is often problematic

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Fair point. I run Plex on a different NAS for movies/tv. These WebDav instructions might help people specifically looking to access media via WebDav.


I use WebDav on my Synology NAS since I have found it offers the fastest performance and obtains full gigabit speed. For home, I connect to it using LAN IP address, not DDNS; not that DDNS won’t work but it makes more sense on a LAN to use the LAN IP address. For my iPhone and now MacOS, of course, I use a domain name for remote streaming.

I have my AppleTVs on an IoT VLAN which is completely blocked from accessing the secured LAN. To allow access to WebDAV for Infuse, I have a firewall rule configured to allow each of the AppleTVs via static IP address and MAC address. The device must meet both IP and MAC criteria to obtain access. They are the only devices that can cross over. Also, I changed the default WebDav port for added security.

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thanks for this, it worked!!

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Thank you for this guide, this setup works flawlessly.

WebDAV is faster than SMB over a VPN as WebDAV is little more than an extension over the HTTP(S) protocol without any other overhead. Just make sure to use WebDAV via HTTPS for security, as mentioned in the guide. For this to work, in the Synology settings you can get an SSL certificate issued automatically during the DDNS configuration step mentioned in the guide.

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@FLskydiver @Adam_Purves thought I would run this by you since I’m using the instructions above to try to connect to Infuse so I can play movies etc when not at home. For some reason when I try to add the WebDAV share it doesn’t even connect. Not sure what I’m doing wrong since I’m following the instructions above to the letter with my Synology NAS (DSM 7). Any ideas? Or is there a better way to get remote streaming??
Want to be able to get the best playback with Infuse whether I’m at home or not. Thanks again for your help.

You could try following the Infuse users guide for remote streaming here. It discusses WebDAV and how to set it up.

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@NC_Bullseye yep…thats the first thing I looked at. Currently only iOS device I have is an iPad so that is what I’m using Infuse on (no Airport or Time Capsule…I have a Windows based PC). NAS is Synology.

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And instructions for the Synology NAS are near the bottom of the page in the above link. :wink:

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DISREGARD…working now. Stupid password for NAS had 1 character capitalized.

Now that I got it working, do you recommend just using the WebDAV connection for home and away? Only asking because I first connected Infuse directly to the NAS via IP address which I know won’t allow me to stream remotely (I’m guessing…)

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Honestly I can’t personally offer any experience, because I haven’t needed to pursue that use case since I started using Infuse. Sorry.

I’m connecting to my public internet IP on my local Apple TV’s to get access to my Synology WebDAV share.
Works fine as the same connection/share automatically shows up on my other devices, computers and iPhone.

However i have in the passed have issues when I was using ddns ( instead of my public internet IP.
Every now and then i was unable to access my WebDAV share on my devices on my local network.
No issues after I start using the public IP instead of
No big issue for me as my Public IP have never changed.

Restarting my Synology resolved the issue when i was unable to access my WebDAV share using ddns but the issue came back after a day or two.

Anyone else having issues using any ddns services on your Synology NAS to access WebDAV shares?

Hi. i have set up the config on my nas, but when after adding the information in InfusePRO i dont get the option to save, i have tested different settings but still same, any idea why i can not save?

Yes and thats why I don’t use Synology DDNS anymore.
I switched to CloudFlare.

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within my local network (my home wifi) using xx…, it doesn’t work. It only works for me if I connect remotely (outside my home wifi with data traffic), is this normal? if I want to connect within the local network using my wifi at home, I have to enter nas.local.