Generic Folder Icon for TV series - no cover art


I recently set up Infuse 5 Pro and am very happy with it so far.

My only problem is in my TV folder where the main folder (the folder that contains all the season) icon is generic. When I open the folder all of the individual seasons have folders with the correct folder art work.

Does anyone know of a solution for this?


I’d wish a solution for this problem. I have to place a file with a generic image of the show folder by folder. No sense for me.

Is this happening for all TV shows or only certain ones?

If it’s only a few could you provide the name of the show folder that is not showing the TV series cover? I’ve had a few instances of the series folder name causing errors in the artwork displayed for it.

It’s in all shows for me. In Library mode works ok, the generic image is shown properly. It also happens in single season shows when a folder (for instance for subs) is included in the folder with media files.

Hi thanks for your response. The Generic folders are:

Amazing Race
Bob Newhart Show
Desperate Housewives
Due South
F Troop
Gilligan’s Island
Grey’s Anatomy
Hawaii Five O
Three’s Company

I hope I am doing something wrong that I can fix. I appreciate any help.

For some shows I had to go into the folder and let it scrape from there. If that still didn’t pull correctly, edit the metadata of one of the episodes to search for the show, and when you chose the right one it should pull all the metadata.

Thanks, I have made it search the data again. I customized the meta data for a show…All to no avail. Is there a way to place a .jpg in the folder and have it use that?

Use a jpg named “folder” with the image you prefer. I use this.

That worked! Thanks!

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