Gallery bug - duplicate entries since 8.0.5

I’ve noticed that ‘Recently added’ have duplicates for multiple video items. It happens on iOs 18.2, iPad and Mac Monterey 12.7.6.
Video files are handled solely by Infuse connected through SMB.

Thx for any hint

When viewing the details page for these duplicates does it show the same filename listed at the bottom for both entries?

Can you navigate to Infuse > Settings > Library and see if there are duplicate entries listed there?

Details page show the exact same filename for each duplicate.

I’am positive that there are no duplicate video files nor entries in the Library, the former by a ‘find’ cli check, the later by a visual check.
BTW, it also happens on my Apple TV.

If you look at the Library settings page in Infuse it may show duplicate entries for the shares. If a share has been added twice it may explain why Infuse is showing duplicates.

Interesting, my LIbrary is composed by hierarchical directories, I’ve added months ago some subdirectories in the Library as shorthands for quick access and did not have any special problem.

I’ve removed one specific subdirectory, noticing that all duplicates are coming from there. This solves the issue even though not completely logical. Anyway this will do it for now.

Thanks for the help and congrats for the quality of the soft.

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