Full details about file in Infuse (codecs, containers etc.)

Hi, currently in Infuse 7, when I open a file (just before playing it), I can see resolution and one codec. Those high level info when you open specific file is ok, but it would be great to be able to see more detailed info about codecs used in the file (is it MP4 or MKV, H264 or VP9 or AV01, AAC or Opus, etc.)? It can be done when playing a file swiping the menu from the top (talking about Apple TV interface) or have a three dots menu in the interface screen when I open a file just before hitting play. Are you planning to implement that in Infuse 8 or even sooner?

Welcome to the forum! First you can see what’s on the roadmap for new features and bug fixes by following this thread.

On the Apple TV version of Infuse if you scroll down to the very bottom of the pre-playback screen it will show the actual file name on the left bottom corner and on the right it shows the info I believe you’re looking for. :wink:

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You’re correct! Thanks. I did not notice those info. Much appreciated :slight_smile:

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