Folder art (folder.jpg) is being ignored for just 1 TV show

So, I’m encountering a strange one… I have a folder.jpg for all of my TV shows. But the file fails to get scraped for just this one show—'Allo 'Allo!. All other TV shows and movies pick up the folder.jpg just fine. Any idea why?

I wonder if I’m encountering a bug with regards to the name of the show beginning and ending with special characters rather than letters/numbers… 'Allo 'Allo!

On my Mac—

(This is what the folder.jpg file looks like:)

On the tv—

(All subfolders/seasons also manage to read their respective folder.jpg files:)

PS: Don’t judge me for my choice of TV shows or my love for retro animations :slight_smile:

Just a wild guess but could you try renaming the series folder just “Allo Allo” without the exclamation point and apostrophes?

I’ve had cases where things like an exclamation point in the folder name trashed the artwork and other metadata

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:smiley: I literally just edited my post, wondering if that was the case too. Will give it a try and report back. Thanks.

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So, the special characters were the issue. I wonder if this is a bug (@james), and if this can be fixed. I doubt that this is the only show with leading and trailing special characters in the name.

Thanks @NC_Bullseye.

Not a bug, there are several OS issues with special characters so it’s always best to try and omit them from file and directory names.

A bit more about this here

I actually did see that. But noticed that neither the apostrophe, nor the exclamation was on there. :smiley:

Thanks, once again.

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