Hey all, I was curious if the site had a timeout policy for accounts? I don’t use my account here a lot on a regular basis. However, when I’ve tried to login the last couple times I get a username / password don’t match message. My account info is saved in Keychain, so it shouldn’t have changed. So I clicked forgot password, and was able to get back on. I was wondering if my password I had been using timed out, or if I missed some notice about login changes.
There was a website upgrade done about a year ago which included a number of security improvements. If you had a password that was created before then (which hadn’t been updated) it likely means you would need to reset and create a new password.
Going forward changing passwords shouldn’t be required.
Thanks James, Just wasn’t sure what happened and was curious if maybe my account was purged for being inactive too long. Sounds like now that I’ve reset my password, I’m good to go.