If I set Infuse to collect data and the TV4K box shuts down the TV and itself, does fetching continue? If not, how does it ever get everything up to date in a large collection?
I ask because when I go to Library/Server_Name/All Files to check, Infuse seemingly starts from scratch again even though nothing has changed on the server since the last attempt to get all the data.
I have two TV4Ks and want to get one of them up to date so’s I can save the data and then ‘refresh’ the other one.
Am I approaching that in a way that Infuse expects?
In the past, I’ve just set the ATV to not sleep and then turn off the TV and let it roll till the next day.
Lots of options to learn about, but thanks, I’ll do that
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You may also want to keep an eye on a “pending” bug report thread regarding background app refreshing. When this gets addressed then updates can happen when the app is in the background like it used to.
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… or maybe I’ll wait 'til Apple re-jigger the background app refresh