No worries. The honest feedback is greatly appreciated.
We’re going to try and do a better job of communicating things like this in the future.
No worries. The honest feedback is greatly appreciated.
We’re going to try and do a better job of communicating things like this in the future.
We understand that you cannot give an exact answer to the question - “When is the next update?”.
But here’s some stuff you could do:
Start telling us where you are, how long it’s taken to get there and when you expect to finish. We know end points move but what many of us are really trying to establish is if you have one at all. Or is this the project you look at in the downtime when you’re not doing the stuff that “keeps the lights on”? Without this information, 85%-90% done is more of the same “almost there guys” rhetoric and it’s almost meaningless.
Acknowledge that your customer service for the atv2 has gone off the rails and start to fix it. Dead, unanswered forum threads and support tickets open for months without a response is discourteous at best and disrespectful at worst.
Perhaps show your “lifetime updates” users that you mean what you say and offer them something, maybe a small discount on your other products, anything……
We understand that the atv2 is not a growing market for you, but if you chose to continue developing for it, you will find an enormous amount of support and patience amongst your user base if you engage rather than hide from them.
James, thanks for that estimate and for the effort you folks out into aTV black. At least now we have an idea of what’s happening and something to look forward to. Much appreciated.
I want to update my ATV2 with Apples updates but I need my Infuse to work with it too. Since upgrading to Yosemite I’ve notice my AirPlay is very iffy and I’m sure it’s becuse its running on old software and the only reason is because Firecore hasn’t put out an update in forever.
Thank you, and I understand that you guys don’t make the jailbreak.
And maybe this is a dumb question, but does the next update require a different iOS for the ATV2? As an example, I have Infuse 3 Pro for my iPad and iPhone, and it’s awesome. I’m just curious if that sort of update can be pushed out to the group with lifetime updates, or do we have to wait for the new ATV iOS which requires a new jailbreak.
I haven’t been waiting nearly as long as others, I’m pretty new to this, but I was just curious about the details. What is coming, and does it require an iOS update and jailbreak, or can we get an update to infuse on the existing jailbroken iOS?
Thanks for all that you do.
I knew shit was going downhill when they pulled that percentage meter on the splash page.
We never had a completion meter anywhere on our site.
Yes you did, but it wasn’t for completion. It was like a feedback score.
I can dig up a ticket I have of me asking about it if you want.
Here you go. You responded to that thread.
What’s the point of any of this? Firecore has already explained that they’re reliant on the jailbreak community and there are no jaikbreaks forthcoming. They update their software when one is available.
WTF are you attempting to get out of this? Or do you just want to punish someone?
JB has nothing to do with incremental updates, bug fixes, support tickets, etc.
Also, this is a feedback forum. What exactly were you expecting?
Then perhaps be specific in what you want - much of this thread seems to be a ■■■■■ & moan session
I paid for lifetime updates. It wasn’t that much money too be honest. I’ve already got my money with just with the infuse app. Would be nice to get updates. But to be honest. You all need a cup of cement.
A good point. A little clarification might stop that ■■■■■■■■ and moaning.
James indicated in earlier posts in this same thread that “the current jailbreak for Apple TV 6.2.1 (iOS 7) tethered, which isn’t ideal for most people.” Tethered isn’t ideal but most users used a tethered solution for 5.3 over many months, if not the better part of a year. It is a nuisance but if there is a tethered jailbreak, it is better than no jailbreak.
James further indicated that “things are 85-90% updated for the latest 6.2.1 ATV2 software.”
At this point I’m guessing most users would be over the moon to get a tethered jailbreak/update to 6.2.1. No doubt there would still be the perennial moaners but at least every user would have the choice of updating to something relatively current as opposed to software several years old.
I noticed that here James commented that a new update for ATV2 should arrive within the next coming weeks…
Any update as to an indication of what we can expect from this? Is this something planned for January (as in somewhere in the next 2-3 weeks) or somewhere in the next 20-30 weeks?
We’re working to add some of the new trakt syncing goodness that found it’s way into the iOS version of Infuse, along with handful of other performance improvements that have been in the works for a little while.
It will likely be in the next couple of weeks - dare I say January?
First off all many thanks for the quick and detailed reply !!!
Looking forward to the next update already
Which Apple TV Software version will the next release be based on since we’re currently still on 5.3?
The only real issue I had was with the cache getting full (or something like that) of the ATV2 which caused a LOT of reboots (sometimes almost continously) when loading movies in XBMC 720P higher quality or higher and lately even with Netflix. XBMC is thus extremely unstable for me lately.
Will this issue be fixed in the next release?
Or might this also be helped (temporarily) by flashing my ATV2 again and reinstalling everything?
Firecore has nothing to do with XBMC.
One things I’ve done to avoid reboots is not use HUB WIZARD to get addons, just install one-by-one. I’ve not had one re-boot in over two years.
Instead of re-installing everything, just use the add-on FRESH START to clean up XBMC and then install add-ons.
Furiously awaiting the update. It’s been a year…