
When I click the Apple TV remote, video forwards 6 minutes each time. Before it was 30 secs. The only way for controlled forwarding seems to be by pausing first. Is there any other way to change the ffwd speed.

Are you using the remote that came with the ATV or a universal remote?

it is apple tv’s original remote

the behavior is same with iphone atv remote app. It ffwds 6 min each time!

I’m assuming you mean you are clicking on the right or left side of the touch pad and I have no clue what’s going on. When I click the touch pad on one side or the other I get a 10 second jump. Not sure why yours is so different.

Have you by any chance added a modifier or custom setting in the ATV settings under accessibility?

I turned off the “chapter controls” from infuse settings. Now, I click right side of the touchpad and it fwds 10 secs.

I’m glad you figured that one out. I was trying to figure out what got changed.

Thanks for the update!

You can also right or left click and hold to fast forward to a specific time.