Fast forward not possible

Hello, I just wanted to watch a film and fast forward the opening credits but when I do that I go back to the beginning of the film. That’s why I tested the file outside of Infuse, in case the file was defective or busy. But the file is fine. All other films or series can be played back and forth without any problems

Check your Chapter Controls in settings.

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Did that fix it?

I switched it on and tested it once and switched it off and tested it and it didn’t work in either version

no, unfortunately not :sweat_smile:

Just to make sure I understand, it is only this one file that you can’t fast forward in?

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Yes, exactly everyone else works, that’s very strange, I just found out that if I can select the play file chapter in the settings then it works, but I can’t fast forward 10 seconds because otherwise it would take me back to the beginning

and when I play the film it stops at the bottom and doesn’t continue playing :sweat_smile:

That’s almost got to be a corrupted file that some players can digest but is not friendly to Infuse. :man_shrugging:

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mmh probably, I’ll replace the file soon. I’ll get in touch if it works or not :sweat_smile:. Thanks for the quick answer, I’ve been going crazy for almost 30 minutes :joy:

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Wait till you have to find a problem Ethernet cable that cuts your speed in half but still functions. I went a few days with that monster!

Let us know. :wink:

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Oh, then things are still going really well for me :sweat_smile:, I would get a hug again now :joy:.
And yes, I’ll do it :smiling_face::+1:

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Hello, I wanted to thank you again for the help, it works now :raised_hands:t2::joy:. I exchanged the file and like a miracle it works :nerd_face::+1:.

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