EyeTV - almost working! (help needed)

Hi all,

I have installed EyeTV on my ATV Flash through NitoTV and I can get it to run. I have ran through the Setup Assistant where all is fine until I get to the part where it asks you to plug in the Elgato tuner. I have a DTT Stick model and so when I plug this in, it does not seem to recognise it (the ‘next’ button stays greyed out).

I have tried both version 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 (of course, I have installed Smart Installer as my keyboard and mouse do work)…any suggestions would be great


Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has been successful in getting Eye TV working and if so, which Elgato model did you use?


So your attempting to install eye tv on your apple tv?

i dont think you can install it on an aTV

I wonder if you set it up on your Mac first and then drag the Application Support and plist files over to your Apple TV would work. Would you know how to do that?

i installed eyetv 3.1.2 today, configured it on my mac and copied it to atv.

at eyetv launch it says, this version needs Mac OS 10.4 or higher.

ill give it another try with an older eyetv version direct from the dvd wo update download.

eyetv 3.0.3, same problem
