External subtitles for plex broken?

Hello, I’m using Infuse 7.8.3 (7.8.4964) with plex plugin connecting to my server.
I remember that Infuse can automatically detect external subtitles but is not working now.

My plex server (version files are like this:

-----  movie_name.mkv
-----  movie_name.en.srt (I also tried movie_name.srt)

From plex panel I can see the external subtitles are correctly recognized, but in infuse I cannot find any external subtitles.

This also happens to iOS version, can anyone help me?

I have Infuse 5.x and Infuse 8.x with my Plex server connected (library mode and direct mode), but neither of them can display external subtitles (SRT files)… they don’t even show up. The only option is to search for subtitles on opensubtitles.org. :frowning:

I use Plex, and Bazarr downloads all the needed subtitles for me, but Infuse completely ignores them.

Update: The last time I used Infuse, in 2019, external subtitles were working. Here is my Tautulli log (unfortunately, it doesn’t show which version of Infuse I had installed on my iPad back then).

same issue here…
plex version:
infuse version:

  • macos: Version: 8.0.5007 (rfdb8bb712c290dd0f33d3ccbf4b695f5417f3d5c)
  • ios: 8.0.3 (5010)

subtitles are correctly show up in plex web, plex app,
and plex dashboard shows the subtitle is streaming to infuse client

file name:
Gintama - S01E01-02 - HDTV-720p.mkv
Gintama - S01E01-02 - HDTV-720p.chi.forced.ass

also tried Gintama - S01E01-02 - HDTV-720p.chi.ass
same issue.

Same issue here, also in the latest testflight beta version. Can this be fixed please ?

Were these subtitles recently added in Plex? If so, can you try using the Refresh option on the video’s details page in Infuse to see if this helps?

External subtitle was added today, 4-5 hours ago.
I did the refresh in Infuse as you suggested
But only the internal subtitles show up

The subtitle is there in Plex:

I have Infuse Pro 8.0.9 (5066)

Which version of Plex server are you using?

I just tried replicating this issue with Plex and Infuse 8.0.9 (on both macOS 15.3 and tvOS 18.3) and subtitle added in Plex were picked up immediately in Infuse when playing the video.