It’s “working” now, but I’m getting an error when trying to play a movie. This is happening on both my iPhone and Mac. Not sure if it’s related to Google Drive, like it was a while ago with scanning large libraries.
Diagnostic: G9X06
I have Pre-Cache Details [ON]
Pre-Cache Artwork [ON]
Smart Folders [ON]
Thank you! By the way, do you know how to get the {edition-Unrated} tag working? For some movies, I have both 1080p and “n/d” versions. I need to play both to update their metadata correctly. Sometimes the “n/d” version updates to 1080p, and the 1080p version changes to “Unrated.” Not sure if this issue is specific to Google Drive.
You shouldn’t need the curly brackets if your file name has the words Unrated Cut in the file name. That’s one of the tags that Infuse recognizes when there are multiple copies of a movie.
You may have to do and Edit metadata for all copies after you modify the file names so Infuse will re scan those files.
Don’t forget that Tags are only visible while browsing via the Library.
Edit to add, I believe that n/d means no data since Ive seen that tag change right before my eyes while looking at the preplayback screen to be the resolution or tag. You can try clicking on the “n/d” and give it a moment to see it that gets Infuse’s attention and changes it.
There is a high chance your Google Drive account is currently in a limited state which will prevent apps like Infuse from being able to access your content. This happens when Google feels you are accessing too many videos within a short period of time.
I would recommend disabling the ‘Pre-Cache Details’ option for Google Drive (this is disabled by default for all cloud services) as this will reduce the amount of activity Infuse has on your Google Drive account.
Google Drive account limitations are usually removed within 24 hours, so it should start working for again soon.
@james Could you explain what the “Pre-Cache Details” for Google Drive are? I haven’t noticed any changes.
I attempted to load details such as {edition-Unrated} or {edition-Blu-Ray}, but the only method that works for me is playing the file for a moment, which then allows me to see the different versions. Otherwise, I see “n/d”.
With ‘Pre-Cache Details’ enabled, Infuse will download a small piece of each video file to read details like resolution, codec, and runtime. This can result in a lot of requests and bandwidth which can lead to temporary blocks with some services like Google Drive.
With it disabled, Infuse will only load this information when the video details page is opened.
This guide has more info on the various library scanning options.