Upgraded from tethered to 4.4.4 untethered fw with no issues! But as i try to open my shares(they are located through manage share option) i get the following message:
Could not open dir[smb://******/music]. Reason: Permission denied(13)
This problem occurs only for the shares that are located on external drives on my computer. No problem when opening shares on pc hard disk!
I have arranged the specific shares to be shared in my home network,
Strange thing is that installed the XBMC as well and can stream files that are located on the same external hard drives without problem!
Any suggestions?
Please help! I love aTV flash! I can play files with XBMC but got used to aTV and i miss it!
Had the same issue after re-jailbreaking to 4.4.4. I rolled the backed-up settings from the “cloud” and the shares came up with error 13. What worked out for me was removing the shares from ATV2 and adding them again.
I am persuated that this problem is a aTV flash software bug!! I realised that it has not got to do with external drives on my computer, as media player opens some shares in the same hard disk but does not open others! Moreover some shares to opened previously cannot be openned later on!!!
Same issues here until I changed my permissions on each folder I wanted to share. Folder sharing permissions whether on an internal or external drive must be set to allow “everyone” read access. It is not sufficient to allow only “homegroup” members access.
I am on windows xp. How do I set shares permissions for everyone to see?
Strange thing is that I found out that another file on my ext drive worked as a share! Cut pasted all my music library in it and finally manage to have playback through media player! Tried to set favorites and had the same problem “permission denied error 13”
It is definitely a bug! Hope firecore team deals with it!
I am on windows xp. How do I set shares permissions for everyone to see?
Strange thing is that I found out that another file on my ext drive worked as a share! Cut pasted all my music library in it and finally manage to have playback through media player! Tried to set favorites and had the same problem “permission denied error 13”
It is definitely a bug! Hope firecore team deals with it!
Well, what seems to be a solution to my problem is to make new directory in my computer and make it shared in my network. Copy paste my media files in the new one and for a reason the apple tv2 can play them without annoying “error 13” message! What a nuisance!