Edit Metadata for TV Show?

Good evening,

I just installed Infuse (Pro) on my Apple TV and while it picks up ‘most’ of my TV shows, a handful is not properly detected (and also quite weird results were found) but how can I edit an entire TV show Infuse does not pick up correctly?

I certainly will not edit every single episode but there must be a way to override the sometimes quite incorrect & broken built-in lookup mechanism… which I haven’t really found yet.

Does anyone know how to do that?


Yes there is. I don’t have the ATV in front of me at the moment but go into the TV show you want to edit (the view where you see the episodes at the bottom and the summary on the top. There is an edit button (3rd on the right side in the middle). Enter in the correct show name and you’ll see options below. Select the correct one and all the episodes will be refreshed.

Ahh … thanks a lot!