DV/HDR Issues since 8.0.8 on ATV4K (Newest Model)

I initially posted about this in the 8.0.8 release thread. I submitted a diagnostic report (MMP76), but the link to post further information, that’s sent with the auto-reply email, doesn’t work. I also submitted a video sample, but haven’t received a reply in the weeks since. I’m just hoping maybe I can get some help here.

Here’s a copy of the sample video, so you can see the issue. HDR and DV videos, all that I’ve tried, will wash out like this randomly while playing. It happens on both ATV’s I own.

The LED backlight is not working properly. Turn off everything related to dynamic contrast in the TV settings. At the end of the video, you can see how the backlight turns on all over the screen.
Also. Check if the extended HDMI color range is enabled in the TV settings.

It happens on two separate TVs and only happens when viewing with Infuse since 8.0.8. Plex, Xbox, and directly through the TV don’t have this issue.

Edit: I appreciate your reply. I changed the setting and the problem persists.

Try changing the Apple TV video settings. 4.2.2. instead of 4.4.4. Low RGB. 4K SDR. Enable dynamic range matching.
Also, try the HDMI cable from the XBox.

I had to go to my mom’s house, today, and decided to look at her ATV since she has Infuse, which I pay for. She doesn’t have automatic updates on and infuse was still at 8.0.4. Tested it, no problem with. I took it to my house and no problem on my TVs. I updated it to 8.0.9 and the problems began.

I know you’re trying to help, but why should I have to change a bunch of settings that I haven’t changed to have something work that previously worked with those exact settings? The only difference is the Infuse update. I understand that cables go bad and I did switch cables to test, late last night. I understand if the issue was on one TV, but it’s both TVs. I took the ATV back to my mom’s house and the issue carried over to her TV, as well.

This just made me realize why am I messing with Infuse? I have other ways to play the same content without the hassle. I just lose the ability to watch AV1 content, which is very sparse. Any time I have a problem with Infuse it’s like pulling teeth to get help from them. I’m just going to cancel and free myself of what has become a needless point of frustration.

Thanks for your time though, Axl2021.

If you are seeing this with specific videos it may be helpful to send in sample we can test here.

I did and I stated such, including my diagnostic report number, in my original post.

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In over 3 week, I’ve barely received a reply from your crew here and your email crew. And none of you have seemingly bothered to actually read anything. You all are truly pathetic. I’m glad you’re no longer getting my money. Feel free to delete my account.

I’m using Infuse updated to the latest version and have always used infuse for many years. Running 4K DV and HDR10 media all the time through my Apple TV 4K and never had an issues like this. What ever is happening is on your end. Make sure you’re using a new high quality HDMI 2.1 cable and check all your HDR settings. Might be your TV as well. Don’t believe that it happens on more than one TV, If it does then it’s your hardware. Also, you could do a factory reset on your Apple TV and start fresh.

Apologies for the delay, but I was able to locate your sample and test here on an Apple TV 4K (2022 model) with tvOS 18.3 and Infuse 8.0.9.

I wasn’t able to replicate the issue you are seeing while playing the entire 5 minute sample, so there is a good chance it may be related to something in the TV’s settings. Perhaps some sort of auto brightness or contrast enhancing feature. If possible, you may try disabling these kinds of features on the TV to see if this has any impact.

Also, the sample that was sent in appears to contain Dolby Vision (Profile 8) content. Infuse supports this, but most other apps will not. One other thing to test would be to see if disabling the ‘Dolby Vision’ option found in Infuse > Settings > Playback results in any changes. With this disabled, Infuse will play the HDR portion of files like this and ignore the extra Dolby Vision info. It’s possible this combination may work better with your particular setup.