AppleTV 上的infuse 是否可以 把电影文件,down到AppleTV 里面。
Mod edit for translation.
Can the infuse on AppleTV download movie files to AppleTV?
AppleTV 上的infuse 是否可以 把电影文件,down到AppleTV 里面。
Mod edit for translation.
Can the infuse on AppleTV download movie files to AppleTV?
Not currently but you can add your support for that feature here.
Don’t forget that you need to click the like button on the first post in that thread to show your support for that suggestion!
Please also post in English so that more users can benefit from your contributions. Also you may get an answer sooner from others who have had the same problem.
也请用英文发布,以便更多用户可以从您的贡献中受益。 此外,您可能会更快地从遇到同样问题的其他人那里得到答案。