Dolby Vision Profile 7 & 8 support (.ts/.mkv files)

It’s probably CMv4 instead of CMv2.9. You can confirm by extracting the RPU and inspecting it with dovi_tool.

Interesting so which one is supported then? I’m not sure how to accomplish the task you outlined, will need to research it.


There’s at least two scripts linked in this thread I think that will convert for you.
Start looking at posts from early April. I know @speedy made of them.

Of course this may not be needed when Infuse start working on tvOS/iOS17 ability to play profile 8 natively. But there probably won’t be much happening with that while it’s in beta.


Thanks I tried the package from speedy on a encoded profile 8 file and the resulting file is still falling back to HDR10. Going to try it on a makemkv dv7 rip, not encode and see if it does any better in the morning.

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Is this process still valid? I’ve tried it on two files, one encode that was already profile 8 with CMv4 and another on a UHD remux I ripped personally with MakeMkv that had profile 7. Neither of which Trigger Dolby Vision on my AppleTV Third Gen tvOS 16.6 with Infuse 7.5.8 (4470).

Only just noticed this.
It’s surprising that you aren’t seeing DV in auto as it should play “fake DV” in most cases with that setting I think. But regardless you really should have it set to limited and not auto.

Also can you double check that you definitely have Match Dynamic Range switched on and what default output you have your Apple TV set to output
SDR,HDR, Dolby Vision etc…

@Hitsville I’ve gone back and forth between Limited and Auto, now set to Limited. System Level I am set at 4k SDR 60 (59.94Hz) . Match Dynamic Range: On , Match Frame Rate: On. I’ve ran the Profile7to8 utility on two files and still only show HDR10. There’s plenty of other files in the library that do trigger either HDR10 or Dolby Vision correctly.

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Any chance you can also comment on the current plan to fix non-working profile 5 DV on 9th gen iPad?

It appears to be something else, because I generated the RPU Plot and it reports cm v2.9 even before any processing. Ran the conversion either way and it didnt help playback still went to HDR10. Hopefully someone else can demystify this :slight_smile:

Can you supply some further instructions on how to use this file? ffmpeg is already installed. Does it have to go through the mkvextract process, then demuxed with dovi_tool?

I had totally missed this until now.
I too also had/have a few movies that don’t trigger Dolby Vision when logically they should. (I have no idea why I assumed you suffered this with EVERY file.)
At this point I would honestly just wait and see how Infuse implement tvOS 17 ability to play Profile 8 natively.
Oh and I just remembered I did hit a point where nothing was playing as Dolby Vision (as in one day a movie did and then suddenly the same movie didn’t…and then did again)
Sadly I can’t remember if when DV playback stopped it was an Apple update or an Infuse update…either way after another update of Infuse or tvOS they suddenly worked again.

Thanks I will keep an eye out. I tried the utility on a few files and they were already CM2.9 dv 8 so there must be something else to this.

Does this not work on Apple M1/M2 machines with Ventura? I get this error whenever I drop in an mkv that I know is DV7:

​Processing directory: ‘/Users/harpervision/Desktop’
Demuxing DV7 BL+EL+RPU HEVC from MKV…
/private/var/folders/p2/m0c0xd2d4s1dgs_28btbxly00000gn/T/AppTranslocation/5B8AE165-1728-42BD-926E-1FBBCCEC0500/d/DV7 to line 53: /private/var/folders/p2/m0c0xd2d4s1dgs_28btbxly00000gn/T/AppTranslocation/5B8AE165-1728-42BD-926E-1FBBCCEC0500/d/DV7 to Bad CPU type in executable
Failed to extract HEVC track from MKV. Quitting

***See the last sentence about CPU.


Install Rosetta 2 on Apple Silicon Macs to ensure app compatibility with Intel-based apps using one of the following steps:

  • Recommend users to install Rosetta 2 manually by launching any installed Intel-based app on the Apple Silicon Mac.
  • Recommend users to open Terminal and run the following command or provide a script that runs this command to users:

/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta (root permission not required)

/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license (root permission required)

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Thanks, I will give that a shot!

This worked perfectly on the first one I tried, Black Panther. Thank you!!!

Does anyone have the link to the latest working script for windows? I can’t seem to find the link or the post in this thread. And thank you!

I’ve been attempting to use the Dovi 7 to 8 tool against Dr Sleep UHD rip I just made. The resulting L1 plot reports CM 2.9 and DV Profile 7 (MEL). What am I doing wrong?

PS D:\Video\Doctor Sleep (2019)> .\DoVi_Check_Infuse_Compatibility.ps1 DoctorSleep.dv8.mkv
Reordering metadata… Done.
Profile: 7
WARNING: Profile not supported by Infuse.

This message has a link to that Windows script.
Dolby Vision Profile 7 & 8 support (.ts/.mkv files) - #846 by speedy

Much appreciated!