Hey James.
Not wanting to derail the ops thread, but I kind of expected this is how Plex collections would appear in Infuse. (In their own section.) Or at least an option for them to appear that way.
Is there a technical reason why (in Plex) they can only be seen when browsing the movie section itself?
If there is would it be possible to have an option to “hide movies that are in collections” similar to how Plex do it?
And/or as work progresses on sorting and filters an option for a filter that just shows collections?
Oh damn. It’s such a long time since I used Plex for watching anything I remembered I actually toggled showing items alongside collections back on when I did some poster modifications a while back. Doh!
I understand that you can add collections to your home screen in terms of I can pin recently released to the home and see all the content within the collection. Would it be possible to have the ability to have this like the main plex app does where I can see all of my collections without the content.
For example I could have a pin on my home page called 4K Movies Collections and then the tiles of my various collections such as recently released, top rated… which I can then click into in order to see the content on offer inside of them?
First off, I want to say that I really like Infuse. It’s a great app, and it works for almost everything I need. That said, there’s one issue that’s been frustrating me: the lack of support for Plex Direct Collections in a dedicated section within Infuse.
Currently, I know I can pin collections to the home screen, but with so many collections, this approach becomes impractical. What I’m really looking for is a dedicated Collections Section where all my Plex collections are displayed—ideally as a list and/or with cover thumbnails.
I’ve come across a few mentions in the forums suggesting that this feature might already be on your roadmap. I completely understand how long and complex a to-do list like yours can get, but I was hoping you could provide a bit more insight. How complex would it be to implement this feature? And is it something that’s actively planned or just under consideration at the moment?
A feature like this would be a game-changer for many users, especially those of us who use Infuse + Plex Direct with large, carefully curated collections. Right now, those collections feel difficult to access, which limits their potential.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this—thanks so much for taking the time to consider it, and keep up the good work!