Description and thumbnails (next episodes) are blurred

Seen this in the latest version on TV OS

It also occures on iPhone

Spoiler-free shows

No longer will the plot of a suspenseful series be foiled by a passing glance at an episode overview or thumbnail. In 6.4 descriptions and thumbnails for unwatched episodes can be blurred. If you simply can’t avoid the temptation, a quick double-tap on the blurred text will reveal it. Hide Spoilers is an optional feature which can be enabled in Infuse > Settings > General .

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Oh okay, so maybe the default should not be enabled. I think it’s annoying to disable it because the description and in fact also thumbnails not really a spoiler. Not sure why this is enabled since the latest update.

The default didn’t change. Not sure why yours decided to throw you a curve but maybe the settings got corrupted or it got changed accidentally.

New updates on multiple devices didn’t toggle this for me.

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