@james “playback issues still while trying to watch tv shows in concession, when playback of one episode finishes(times out) and the next episode is ment to be played, it hangs while trying to load file for playback from 10-30 seconds before playback will start. On iPad using Emby direct”
After some testing, this is happening with 4K hdr playback for series.
This time I waited up to 1 min and playback still never occurred after content was done playing, it just stayed at 0.00 time left and would not move on to next episode.
Emby server never sleeps, I run two different Emby servers and tested on both (windows 11 and also unraid) array is always on and available (never sleeps or hibernates) issues doesn’t happen while using Emby app, vishub or forward just in infuse so far.
I will test changing catch option and report back.