Customised artwork for TV shows is driving me crazy

When organising movies I never have an issue with custom posters and backdrops in my library. These are the only two types of custom artwork I use. When trying to do the same with TV shows it seems that only randomly will the ‘poster’ and ‘fanart’ files be recognised.

My TV shows are organised as ‘TV Series Name/Season X/Episodes’ and I switch ‘prefer embedded data to ‘off’’. I can take the ‘poster.jpg’ file from say the ‘Banshee’ TV show folder and drop it into the folders associated with all my other TV shows and sometimes I will get the Banshee custom poster displayed for a TV shows and sometimes the default TMDB poster. It’s the same file being used in the same file structure location!!!

Has anyone been able to resolve similar issues?

Are you always looking for the new poster while in the library or are you looking at the series in the favorites?

I’m always looking for the custom poster whilst browsing the library e.g. ‘Favourites/TV Shows‘ which shows all TV shows in my library or ‘Favourites/Library/TV Shows/All TV Shows’. Both produce the same result.

Could you provide a screen cap of the directories for one of the shows where it doesn’t work?

I may have figured it out, instead of ‘season’, some TV shows have ‘series’. Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

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