Custom collection disappears repeatedly

While I am grateful for the iCloud support on the Apple TV, I have really just lost it with the custom collections and really give up on my 33 movie MCU collection, that continues to evaporate into thin air. I’ve recreated it at least a dozen times and wonder why iCloud is not preventing this!?

Love the app and use it all the time but adding 33 movies in the correct order to a collection should only need to be done once.

Do you have more than one device? I wonder if there is an iCloud sync conflict

I am running Infuse Pro on 2 Apple TV 4Ks.

I’ve just given up wasting my life rebuilding collections.

I just rebuilt the MCU one yesterday (for like the 15th time or so), and it was magically gone this morning. This was without using the second ATV.

It’s honestly no longer worth the time investment. Assigning a movie to a collection is 4 clicks per movie, and then there countless clicks to reorder them.

I admit defeat. :pensive:

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I had a similar issue. I know you said you gave up, but I wonder if it worked for you after the update.

I was recommended to update TvOS and Infuse, but it didn’t help me. I don’t know if failure is a me thing or if updating the OS and app helped others.

Maybe it’s an issue with the data stored in iCloud? You could try turning that off in all your devices, then delete iCloud data, then turn it on for one and set your collections. Then turn it on for the others.

Hello, did you turn on the Custom Collection feature on the second atv, if you did not turn it on, the second atv will probably detroy the data on the first atv, when they sync. together. I had this problem with my atv synching with my iPad.
I mean , my atv custom collection feature is off on the atv, and the custom collection feature is on, on the iPad.
Good luck