
How can I change the name of a collection?

The name appear, but I found no way to rename the collection!

Hey ?

The main Problem is:
You can only change a Collections-Name by edit the entry online at!
The Administrators there delete, or modify user-entries! Or even lock the “Edit”-Button for some Movie Collections! ?

So the only way to rename the Collections is, if Firecore gives us some more flexibility to use custom Metadata on Collections etc ??

Firecore has announced they will make some great improvements for custom Metadata/Artwork in the Infuse 5.5 Release ?
Hopefully the renaming of Collections and use of custom Collection-Covers as well ?

Ok thank you!
Can anyone from firecore team confirm this? That they working on this issue?

Anyone here from firecore support?

Setting collections manually, or adding manual details is something we may look at down the road, but there’s no ETA right now. Sorry.

Meanwhile you can make your own “collection” by simply adding the movies in to a folder named as your collection and add a folder.jpg . It will not be recognized by the collection option in the library but it will be showed like a collection, without metadata and such, when browsing the folder content.

So how do we get item either showing up in the wrong collection or not showing up in a collection fixed?

  • Deadpool is showing up in my X-Men Complete Collection
  • Rogue One is not showing up in the Star Wars Collection

I want to disable collections feature, is that possible?

You want to rename the collection or the movies? You can’t rename the name of the collections.

no, i dont want to rename, i want to disable the Collection feature. I want to see all my Movies even if they are in a series, xmen for example

There isn’t away right now to disable collections. The grouping of movies in collections is a option that people with a lot of “collections” and movies asked for and waited a long time to get implemented. There is a feature request thread that you can make the suggestion. I will say, the more movies you own the more helpful the collections grouping is.

i agree that this can be helpful but not everyone maybe like this. Therefore it would be handy if this feature can either be ENABLED or DISABLED.

After that we can choose if we want it or not. :slight_smile:

We’re currently considering adding an option to disable Collections while browsing All Movies, and filters.

Stay tuned.


That would be great! Especially since collections do tend to muddy up the other filters like decade when a collection can span multiple year ranges. The “All Movies” really should list just that, all movies.

Thanks James!

I like Collections as a Library filter category, but I agree with Bullseye that All Movies should have ALL movies and no collections included.

I like that Collections appear within the “All Movies” Section :wink:

So I think the best solution is a toggle to hide it from “All Movies”, so the user can decide if he want it or not :slight_smile:

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One other thing with collections is there should be some place to see what movies are part of a collection. Very few of the collection descriptions actually list what movies are considered part of that collection.

It seems there should be a way other than to go web surfing to find out what is missing from your collections. A thought, is it possible to list all movies and release years in a collection but the ones that you don’t have would be greyed out so you could see the list of movies considered to be part of a collection?

YES! collection should be optional toggle on All Movies/Filters

and please dont’ forget to FIX: sort by filename on Library> TV Shows it doesn’t work!

i posted about this issues on june:

2 Issues i don’t like about Infuse

by (CoOoL_BoY)

Remove “Collections” from “All Movies” library

by (NC Bullseye)

We need to steer this back to OPs question, the ability to edit and set collection metadata is important to a lot of people around these forums. James, can we expect this in the future? I have all fetching switched off for iOS and can make folders with movies and set the folder image, but to have it recognised in the ‘collections’ area would be incrediblĂ©!


FYI, the option to disable Collections (hide them from All Movies) will be available in the next update (5.6.4). :slight_smile: