Breaking News: Apple is signing 5.0.2 (again)

Ok, let me get this straight. As of today at 2:20 am EST, Apple is signing 5.0.2 software, again.


Last friday I was trying to jb a friend’s ATV2 that was on 4.4.4. but had 3194 error on iTunes. That’s when I found out that Apple wasn’t signing anymore 5.0.2, hence the error.

I tried many methods. Saving blobs, weird workarounds, and suddenly I had an ATV2 stuck in DFU mode and had to update to 5.1. I still tried to go back to 4.4.4 with my saved blobs and never worked. 3 complete frustation days.

Then the miracle happened. While reading this thread I realized that this user was certain that Apple was signing 5.0.2. I even replied that his proccedure was wrong because that couldn’t be possible. Posts later, someone wrote that he read in Apple forums that because of many issues with 5.1 on ATV3, Apple had no choice than having to re-enable the signing of 5.0.2, so this ATV3 users could downgrade.

So, with this 5.1 ATV2, I was able to downgrade in iTunes to an official 5.0.2 ipsw, then, once back in 5.0.2, I fired up season pass and let the magic begins. Now I have a jailbroken ATV2 who used to be 4.4.4, then 5.1 and then back to jb 5.0.2.


Ok, yes, I’m happy. so I suggest that if you accidentally updated to 5.1, NOW is time to go back, or save your blobs. Don’t know when Apple kills the 5.0.2 signing again.



i can confirm this is working , just done a straight forward downgrade from 5.1 (iOS 6 - 10A406e) back to 5.0.2 (iOS 5.1.1 - 9B830)

just using itunes nothing else.

so apple must be signing it again.

good news for the time being :wink:

Thank you for posting this info. I can confirm it’s working. I was 5.1 5201 and followed the steps from above and BINGO!

Can any of you guys write easy to follow step how to get back to  5.0.2 ?

Couldn’t have said it better myself :slight_smile:

Try this.

  1. Download,1_5.0.2_9B830_Restore.ipsw
  2. Open iTunes. Preferable use iTunes 10.6
  3. Connect ATV2 to USB port on your PC with a USB to mirco USB cable (not supplied by apple)
  4. Select Apple TV in iTunes.
  5. Hold down Shift and click Restore.
  6. Select the ipsw that you saved from step 1.
  7. Wait a long time for process to complete.
  8. If Apple is still signing 5.0.2 then it should complete without error.




I can vouch that works. Definitely use iTunes 10.6, the latest version is a nightmare of errors to deal with. Of course the easier way to find out if Apple is still signing 5.02 is to use TinyUmbrella and download all the shsh blobs for the ATV. If the 5.02 blobs appear, you are in business.

I like to note that I used Itunes 10.7 Hope this helps, Good luck!!

Fantastic! Thanks to baruchin for the thread, and to atv2jber for the guide. I can still confirm working right now!

Am I too late…All I am getting is error 3194 . I have itune V10.5

Are you following the instructions exactly as listed above?


Yes…I am following the steps clearly


Even tinyumbrella wont save SHSH

I get this in the log



  1. Download,1_5.0.2_9B830_Restore.ipsw
  2. Open iTunes. Preferable use iTunes 10.6
  3. Connect ATV2 to USB port on your PC with a USB to mirco USB cable (not supplied by apple)
  4. Select Apple TV in iTunes.
  5. Hold down Shift and click Restore.
  6. Select the ipsw that you saved from step 1.
  7. Wait a long time for process to complete.
  8. If Apple is still signing 5.0.2 then it should complete without error.




Tinyumbrella isn’t saving your blobs because you’re trying to save 4.4.4 blobs, not 5.0.2.

First, you have to upgrade to 5.0.2 in iTunes, with your device plugged, right clicking restore and choosing the clean 5.0.2 ipsw. Once in 5.0.2, and if you want to save your blobs, then you can use Tinyumbrella, or proceed to seasonpass to jailbreak

baruchin is right. After installing the clean 5.02 ipsw, if you use Tiny to save the blobs, make sure that the ‘Request SHSH from Cydia’ option under the ‘Advanced’ tab is unchecked (it is enabled by default).


BTW, if you are using a MAC you should use the Alt key in iTunes for the restore process, not the Shift key.


Thanks to all who are trying their best to help me.

This is what I am doing with not much luck…What I am missing


I downloaded,1_5.0.2_9B830_Restore.ipsw file.

Connected Apple TV just with micro USB cable to PC (Power Cord is not connected) 

Launched itune (V 10.5) 

Press Shift Button and Hit Restore

Pointed to downloaded file (,1_5.0.2_9B830_Restore.ipsw)

then when I Said Yes to Erase All message

I get this 


Apple TV Couldn’t be restored. An unknown error occurred (3194).


What I am doing wrong?

Possible scenarios:

  • Apple has indeed closed the signing window again.
  • Your computer is pointing to Cydia's server instead of Apple's. Because you are doing a clean restore you need to be certain that iTunes is using the Apple activation server to get the SHSH blobs. You could try this:

The easy way:

Open up TinyUmbrella, and in the ‘Advanced’ tab make sure that ‘Set Hosts to Cydia’ is unchecked. Close Tiny, put the ATV2 in DFU mode and try iTunes again.

The longer way:


On Windows, the hosts file can be found here:  C:\Windows\System32\ drivers\etc\hosts.

On OSX, the hosts file can be found here:  /private/etc/hosts.

A standard Windows hosts file should look something like this -

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a ‘#’ symbol.
# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host       localhost


If you have any lines that point to, backup the hosts file and delete the lines (using a standard editor such as Notepad).  You may need to ensure that  you have admin privileges.  Reboot and try the iTunes upgrade again.

Thanks…Editing hosts file on windows to remove line with gs.**** did the trick. I am back in business now. Thanks guys.

I followed these exact instructions this morning, but held alt instead of shift and it worked, thanks!

Used iTunes 10.6.3 on MacOS X 10.6.6, went from 4.4.4 to 5.0.2.

I’d Love to do this but am unable to get my ATV to show-up in the iTunes device list…

I’m using 10.5 (XP) and tried over the network (hardwired), USB (powered/unpowered), hittin’ the Shift Key, but iTunes never offers me anything to do with the ATV. I’m signed-in, home sharing, doesn’t seem to make any difference :frowning: Also, why is “Create an iPad/ATV Version” always greyed out?