BluRay Remuxes Playing in HDR (no Dolby Vision) with Infuse

The same files play in Dolby Vision using Kodi on my Firestick Max (2023 version). Is there a setting in Infuse I need to change? Web Downloads seem to play just fine in Dolby Vision using Infuse (Apple TV 128GB).

Can you run this file through mediainfo and post the results here?

If they are profile 7 Dolby Vision remuxes then that is normal. Profile 7 is not supported on Apple devices.

It’s possible that Kodi is doing Fake DV.

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Thanks. The files are Dolby Vision Protocol 7.6. I guess it’s an Apple thing, kind of like not passing through TrueHD Atmos. After changing the SMB chunk size in Kodi, the new Firestick Max 2023 is playing 60 to 70GB remuxes smoothly in Dolby Vision and TrueHD Atmos. There was terrible buffering before I increased the SMB chunk size streaming from an SSD connected to a USB 3 port on my router. I use my Apple TV with Infuse for everything else besides remuxes. The only app I installed on the new Firestick is Kodi to give it headroom since the Firestick only has 16GB of memory.

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