I am very close to getting iview to work, but when I navigate to the iview page, a message informs me that I need to download Adobe Flash player. When the appropriate page opens all goes well until the download begins, at which point the download freezes. I have installed Flash on my Macbook Pro without problems, so it would not seem to be an Apple vs Adobe issue. Any ideas?
Hi I just bought ATV2 and it took while to be able to see iView contents, but I finialy be able to see iView contents on XBMC.
Jail break ATV2
Install latest XMBC http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Install_XBMC_on_ATV2
Download iView plugin for XBMC http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-boxee-iview/downloads/detail?name=plugin.video.abc_iview-1.0.1.zip&can=2&q=
Connecting to your ATV2 via SFTP (you can use any SFTP software such as Cyberduck. http://cyberduck.ch/) user name is root and password is alpine (if you have not changed)
Copy the ZIP file to your ATV2 to /var/mobile/Applications
Start XBMC
Go to System then press right arrow on the remote, select Setting and Add-ons
Select Install from ZIP file
Select the ZIP you copied before
Installing iView plugin automatically
Go back to main menu then select Videos, Video-addons
Now you will see iView menu
Enjoy iView contents!! 8)
Jailbroke ATV2 with SeasOnPass from FireCore aTV Flash (Black)
then followed the instructions below.
Download iView plugin for XBMC http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-boxee-iview/downloads/detail?name=plugin.video.abc_iview-1.0.1.zip&can=2&q=
Connecting to your ATV2 via SFTP user name is root and password is alpine (if you have not changed)
Copy the ZIP file to your ATV2 to /var/mobile/Applications
Start XBMC
Go to System then press right arrow on the remote, select Setting and Add-ons
Select Install from ZIP file
Select the ZIP you copied before
Installing iView plugin automatically
Go back to main menu then select Videos, Video-addons
Now you will see iView menu
I did see the iView menu and selected a program to watch and it downloaded it, but the TV screen went black, no picture appeared then after a few seconds the normal basic ATV screen and menus appeared. No iView.
Any ideas?
Thank you Shin,
I successfully transferred the zip file and can see the contents. But I too could not view the media/ video. Can you?
Any idea why this would be?
I think I sorted it out by turning off hardware accelerator.
refer http://forum.firecore.com/topic/4653?page=1
Still struggling to watch any other video in XBMC though…not sure why.
Thanks for the hint on the hardware accelerator. I found it and switched it off and could see iView. Excellent!
After resolving the ABC Iview install, am now keen to install other Australia catch up TV. Can anyone please direct me to those links?
Have not installed them but
has repository.googlecode.xbmc-catchuptv-au.zip
and http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-catchuptv-au/updates/list?num=50&start=50
plugin.video.catchuptv.au.ten_0.1.0.zip (Channel Ten Video Plugin) and plugin.video.catchuptv.au.sbs_0.1.0.zip (SBS Video Plugin v0.1.0)
from Sep 2010
Hi Hampshire,
Sorry I could not reply to you before you found it out. I have not checked this website since then. Anyway I am glad that you could see iView now.
Hi Shin,
I need your help again please. After having the benefit of being able to watch ABC iView, I “upgraded” the latest version of XBMC, however I now am unable to watch ABC iView, nor 7 catch up (the plug-in is visible but no content downloads like before). Furthermore I have never been able to see SBS nor Channel 10 due to an error.
i’m a bit of a nooby at this but continue to surprise myself, and have become a bit tragic in trying to sort it out. Can use Cyberduck sucessfully and ssh, but can’t ssh via terminal.
XBMC Weather says I don’t have internet access, yet can search internet on Couch Surfer so I’m confused.
Also, Icefilms, I downloaded the plug-in but am yet to find the content. Have you had any success with Icefilms?
Hope you can assist and generally others who may also have the same experience too.
Ok, I have since connected XBMC to the internet and can again successfully view ABC iView and 7 Catchup. Still get error with SBS and Channel 10 catchup so not sure how this can be fixed. Icefilms however is now active and really very powerful and worthwhile.
Inn hhh my life is now complete!
Thanks so much for this.
I have done my best to follow the instructions however when I select install from zip file and then the iview app it seems not to install automatically. Can someone please help me with this?