Apple Vision Pro

I think it’s a “you may use the built in” not “have to” but to maintain the immersive experience I’m guessing the built in will be the choice.

At this point in development it’s still a roll of the dice since devs are just now signing up to even see the product. :wink:

Developers are asked about what they’re making and what Apple tools they’ve used in the past, and they have to sign confidentiality agreements — which include provisions that require that the device remain at the address to which it was shipped, that it can’t be used in public, and that it must be locked inside a Pelican hard case when it’s not in use, according to the Apple developer agreement.

Family, friends, roommates, or household employees cannot access, view or handle the hardware. Apple also bars any public discussion of the hardware in person or on social media. Apple reserves the right to see a list of staff who are authorized to work on the device.

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And just what are we supposed to do with our pelican when we have our AVP locked in the pelicans case?

Put it in your giant safe of course

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So @james , when ya heading to Cupertino?

Edit to add:

I keep getting a mental image of Chuck Norris sitting on a stool in a locked janitors closet with a pelican case handcuffed to his wrist…


Send us a selfie :wink:

Lol I threw this into an AI generator and had to share. I tried several different variations and it had a hard time with handcuffs. I wonder if it is purposely not doing it to avoid problems…

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I think you’ve exposed the first sign of the apocalypse. :rofl:

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52 posts were split to a new topic: Apple Vision Pro releasing on 2/2/24

Today, we have opened up a signup form for Apple Vision Pro beta testing, and also created a new Vision forum section for discussing Vision-specific things.

The new forum section will be the best place to start any new discussions.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Apple Vision Pro beta testing

A post was split to a new topic: Question on IMDB

part of the charm of the quest 3 is watching movies in virtual environments and with friends. at the very least we need virtual environment support

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The public beta of Infuse for Apple Vision Pro is now available!

The official App Store release will be part of Infuse 8 which is coming this fall.