Alphabet location indicator when scrolling

throwing in my two cents for this one. There are just a few features that Infuse needs to fully replace Plex’s native client for me, and this is one of them.

You’ll get far better results if instead, you like the first post in this thread to show your support. :wink:

Woops, you’re right. I thought heart button was a follow/favorite button, not a like (weird that it says 75 but below it says 113 likes).

That’s like for the actual suggestion :wink:

That’s total likes in the entire thread including where users have liked other users comments, not necessarily likes for the suggestion.

How does this not have more votes? Scrolling through a large library is painful… my wife suggested we switch back to Plex just to pick out what we want to watch

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I just noticed this was removed from the Upcoming Features thread. I hope it doesn’t mean this suggestion isn’t really planned to be implemented anymore because having some kind of alphabet location indicator would be so, so useful.

I’m replying to show my support to this suggestion. I think we really need it.


hmmm yeah this has been pulled from/is still missing from Upcoming Features. Anyone know if there are plans to re-add it?

Don’t forget that you need to click the like button on the first post in this thread to show your support for this suggestion! :wink:

As this still carries the “planned” tag I’d say it will still be worked into the schedule. As the dev has said in other posts, they will start re-adding these items once they get the major in progress items settled.

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My guess is it will be part of the design refresh in V8

np, have done thanks. Silly me presumed that once it was added to upcoming the votes didn’t matter because it was added already.

Fair enough, thanks.


Talking about UI… did the Firecore team ever think of a alphabetic scroll bar when scrolling through movies and series? I really miss that when going through my collection.


I moved your post to the currently running suggestion thread requesting this feature.

Don’t forget that you need to click the like button on the first post in this thread to show your support for this suggestion! :wink:

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Yup the suggestion is still there, noted as planned but no activity since the original suggestion was put forth back in 2017 (7 years now). Hmm… why hasn’t this been implemented?

I think this is an internal joke or a meme now.
It’s the only explanation… Every piece of useless feature gets worked on but the basic mavigation…


@james This is one of the most liked suggestions and has had 17 other topics merged into it… People want this because it would be helpful. Please tell us it’s planned for a v8 minor release :pray:


@james yeah bud, it’s well past due please get this one implemented.


I am very curious as to what the hold up is.

It should have been implemented long ago.


Here’s the official response to what the hold up is (nearly 2 years ago): Alphabet location indicator when scrolling - #58 by james

There is some legacy code which makes this more challenging than it seems.

We need to spend some time reworking some of the views for browsing videos, and once that is done this can be added.

I mean, there was time for a redesign and a new apple vision app…
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Where there isn’t……


Sorry, but the time has come now for an update on this. After a tidy up, I have around 1000 movies and more or less the same for shows. (Possibly a larger amount that many but definitely a tiny collection compared to others)

Swiping the touch pad button (with differing degrees of force) and seeing where we end up in our library is just not professional (I pondered just stating it’s pathetic).

I have never been one who blindly agrees with the concept of “why are things like AppleVision” and other things are taking priority because I believe things can co-exist. But I’m at that point now.

@james is this being my worked on currently? (I’m guessing not as it’s currently marked as planned)
If not when? This is rapidly becoming a Plex forum style scenario of radio silence.

It really would be nice after all these years to know when this will actually become a priority. I still tend to use Infuse mostly (and exclusively when I need Spatial Audio) despite Plex improving vastly of late. If nothing else, if it’s still at the stage of “something that might happen one day” (just after a UI refresh) then please let us know. I can then at least switch my approach and help test Plex mainly and just forget about Infuse unless I need Spatial Audio.

I’m pretty horrified that I speculated to another user in this very thread that it would be part of the (then upcoming) UI refresh.

Please give us an update.