Would be really useful to have some sort of alphabet location indicator visible when scrolling through a large movie database. Currently you just have to scroll really fast, then stop to see what you are up to then scroll fast again, stop and see where you are etc.
Would be better if a letter came up while scrolling to indicate where you were. for example A while still in all movies beginning with A, then moving through to B, C, D etc.
Between the lack of alphabet scroll, lack of titles beneath posters, and the slow loading of posters, it’s a pain to browse one’s library.
+1 as someone with a massive library would love to see this implemented.
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Yes, I have a 2000+ movie library and would be nice to have Alphabet letters on the right side instead of dots or just large letters overlaid on the posters while scrolling fast.
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+1, seems like an oversight rather than needed to request this “feature”
It would be really useful
It’s almost like nobody is listening due to zero acknowledgement from a dev or mod. Jeez, this is a basic fundamental element to navigating through large libraries isn’t it?
While on the subject of things that we need, how about letting us change the view type when inside a library rather than having to go to settings to do it.
So much potential with Infuse and so little attention to small details. This is why KODI remains my media player of choice. I use infuse only to play my 4K HDR content now…I’ve given up waiting for these features.
All suggestions are noticed! I can only speak for myself, I don’t respond to suggestions unless it’s one that I share. I don’t want to detract from suggestions by posting a different or dissenting opinion in a thread requesting a feature someone feels is necessary.
I will say that for me personally, a scrolling alphabet on the side would be at best a moot point and at worst a distraction. For me when scrolling fast through a list even at the fastest rate I still can see what the name starts with and have no problems zeroing in on the one show in thousands I’m looking for but that’s just me.
Alphabet location when scrolling for large libraries is something very much needed
Specially since we can’t disable that stupid double tap thing that takes us all the way to the start/end of the library, then we need to start scrolling all over again
Hate to say it but I give up on Infuse. The new beta Plex app for ATV4 simply blows it away in features and ease of use and since I’m only accessing my Plex libraries…