Allow Edit Metadata to search both TV and Movies regardless of file name

When you search metadata for a file you can’t specify to search through tv shows or movies. Seems to be only movies.
So please add possible to force to TV Shows if in search field you have SxxExx?

How I found out this problem:
I downloaded a file and came as Download.mp4, As it’s impossible to rename the file the metadata search only searched though Movies. Couldn’t find anyway to fire it search through Tv Shows.
(On iOS Infuse Pro)



Hi folks,
Recent I have encountered many shows that has no season number in the file/folder name. After some searching, they are all of single season in the form of “XXXX.E01.mkv”, some may also include the year it aired. The current manual correction system seems only allow me to search in “movie” titles for these file which makes it impossible to get the correct metadata. Is it possible to add an option for user to choose between TV and Movie in manual correction?

I know there are ways to bypass this problem such as renaming the file/folder, setting soft link to these files, etc. But they all require extra manual efforts on other system/software, Infuse has been so versatile, it could be more perfect if our demands can be satisfied within Infuse alone. Thanks!

Infuse is dependent on metadata from TMDB and the naming of tv series episodes in the (year, episode number) format is from TVDB.

Much content named that way (live sporting events, for example) are not indexable at TMDB at all; per TMDB rules. The rest must be renamed to season #, episode # format.

You can use Plex or an external media manager if you want access to TVDB metadata.

But with just Infuse, you’ll need to rename to match TMDB, as there doesn’t seem to be any intent to restore TVDB access to vanilla Infuse — though there is a suggestion thread to that effect.

Currently Infuse relies on file naming structure to delineate between TV shows and Movies. If a title doesn’t reference a season the it is taken as a movie. It’s really needed to help avoid searching both databases for a match and ending up taking much longer to find the metadata.

I’m guessing that changing this structure would be a major change for something that most users have already accepted as a standard naming conviction.

Hi NC_Bullseye,

Thanks for the clarification. Actually I am not suggesting to change the default fetching strategy, in fact I am quite happy about it. What I mean is adding an option to let the user decide whether to search a file as a Movie or TV “just” in the manual correction section. IMO, this is a functional plus which provides more convenience to users, would this require a major change to the whole structure?

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I encountered a similar problem as the links above, and I was able to successfully search for the content by modifying the file name.
However, if a search option is provided to support searching for TV show metadata without modifying the file names, it may bring a better experience.
In some cases, the file comes from the cloud and the filename cannot be easily modified.


@unclerp and @FLskydiver and @Rayzggz

I moved your posts to a currently running suggestion (and clarified the thread title) for the same feature request.

Don’t forget that you need to click the like button on the first post in this thread to show your support for this suggestion! :wink:


Hey there :slight_smile: Love infuse pro on my Apple TV!

Today I realized that Infuse, when requesting metadata from TMDB, automatically decides according to the file name whether it’s a movie or show.

Unless I want to rename my entire show collection (which aren’t in SxxEyy but just numbered), I’m out of options.

So it would be extremely helpful if the automatic detection could be overridden, or maybe just query TMDB for both types and offer all results, if that is easier.

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Can you post an example of how your TV series files are named?

In some cases you can write a simple regex to bulk rename them.

In other cases it may not matter because the program type may not be indexed at TMDB anyway.

This feature would be useful when using Infuse with Real Debrid, since renaming files directly isn’t an option, which can be frustrating. In my case i got two shows “Cunk on Earth” and “Cunk on Britain.” which TMDB recognizes as different seasons of the same show. Without the option to rename the files, the metadata gets mixed up. If this feature were available, it would allow for correct metadata without the need to download and manually rename the files.

It would be nice if I could associate ‘Cunk on Earth’ with Season 2 of the ‘Cunk on…’ series in Infuse without having to rename the files,given that TMDB recognizes ‘Cunk on Earth’ as the second season of the show.


It’s a crapshoot when I try to sort a file that has been sorted into the Other folder.

I try to “Edit Metadata” some times the right show is available and other times it’s not and I can’t sort the show as the show. This is the case even with the name of the show in the file name.

Please let us select any name and metadata for the file that we want since your system doesn’t sort and work properly.

True - especial for Anime files - lot of them don’t have the standard format.
I find the Vid Hub app do very good on this field - they allow to manual override the file meta data and search on TMDB to match each episode.


So Firecore would rather provide their customers a faster solution that is incomplete and doesn’t fulfill its goal rather than give a solution that works for all content? Firecore knows that some of their customers use Debrid services that can’t easily or can’t at all change the file names. They also admit that anime doesn’t all adhere to the season structure.

If VidHub can do it then it’s clearly possible.

Even adding the old school naming structure of 3 or 4 numbers after a name for TV would be useful (example: name.101 and name.0101 being TV name S1 E1).

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Thanks for that info! :slightly_smiling_face:

I recently discovered VidHub but the App Store reviews were mixed. I’ll give it a try and compare.

It’s sad when a company can’t fix issues in a year & a half or incorporate suggestions within more than six years. I don’t need new versions when the basics aren’t working. That’s just lipstick on a pig!


VidHub in term of playback is still not catch up to Infuse yet ( DV; Atmos; HDR color profile…)

But they did pretty well for the Media Center part- much faster WebDAV fetching; Metadata Manual Override.

One thing they did suprise me that they have the best PIP I’ve ever seen in a macOS app - Sub show and also you can control by trackpad gesture as well.

Competition will help here , I think.

They was the only choice for so long.


I tried VidHub for a minute. Its WebDAV cataloging does work much better with RD. The Metadata sorting is a million times better.

Infuse’s UI looks better. VidHub offers more display and subtitle options.

I might use Infuse with AD for more mainstream content and use VidHub with RD for anime TV. Most anime won’t be UHD, HDR or Atmos for a long time. It’s a matter of whether I want to pay for all of the services.

I agree competition can only help make a better product for us.

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Exactly what I set it up for those two; anime libary managment much better with VidHub. The life time deal now is pretty low so I took it.
Hope Infuse team can feel the “heat” and we will have a better version soon.

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If you’d like to continue the discussion on VidHub you can start a thread in the Other Services forum. This thread is in the suggestions forum and users that may be following it for updates are getting pinged every post.

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+1 on this. I’m also using RealDebrid and as mentioned, it’s an issue when you have no control over filenames.


We all want this feature.
VidHub’s developer was able to add this in a few days after it was asked. (Proof: Reddit - Dive into anything ) And VidHub has a small developer team.
Why don’t you just implement it.
You know there are many users that use infuse with debrid providers and we cannot change filenames.

Here’s how it is on VidHub, you don’t have any excuse