Adobe Flash and CoreAudioKit.framework

Hi all!
I’m loking for CoreAudioKit.framework if you have it or a link, can you PM me?

Thanks :wink:


Really thank you!

I upacked it and uploaded by ftp in Documents directory on AppleTV but Couch Surfer don’t showes Flash

I tried to move it to /System/Library/Frameworks but it doesn’t goes…

remount your partition with read-write permissions :

sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/disk0s3 /

When I move it I does:

sudo mount -uw /

sudo mv CoreAudioKit.framework /System/Library/Frameworks

Couchsurfer is not supported for Adobe Flash as of AppleTV 3.0:

Can someone pm me a link or anything to get the framework. I had Panther, Leopard and now Snow Leopard.
But never had Tiger disks.

That is also my problem, I have all kind of leopards, no tigers, though…Thanks

I readed it now about Couchsurfer… But when I use FireFox I cannot move mouse with remote…

You need USB mouse and keyboard to use Firefox.

I would really, really appreciate any assistance with locating the CoreAudioKit.framework file - I have 5 Macs but all of them post 10.4.10

If someone could PM me I would be very grateful indeed :smiley:

Can someone pm me a link or anything to get the framework. I had Panther, Leopard and now Snow Leopard.
But never had Tiger disks. :shock: :shock: :shock:


this is all very complicate and annoying, please can someone send me the CoreAudioKit.framework or a link etc?

really appreciate it!

They can’t… it is a copyrighted file. But if it makes you feel any better… I have Tiger install disks and for the life of me can’t find it.

Kind of amusing how you need to implement a hack to make another hack (ATVFlash) work. :evil:

I lost my only coreaudiokit file. Can anyone PM me with a link or  the file itself?

Could someone please PM the CoreAudioKit.framework.  I have the framework for 10.4.11 but its for PPC!  (Apparently it doesn’t work). Thanks! 

Just tried using Remote HD with Firefox to watch BBC’s iPlayer while visiting in London, and it works fine without the need of a mouse/keyboard.  Remote HD on my iPhone gives me all the functionality I need within Firefox.