Add thumbnail poster to plex favorites

Hi, I’ve been using Infuse on the iPad for some time and I find it amazing.
I’m also using my NAS with a plex server, I wanted to understand if it’s possible to add a custom thumbnail to the favorites added by plex, currently I only see one star.

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I have the same problem, did you find a solution?

Hello, idk if i am posting this the correct way, anyways i wanted to know if i can add a picture to the plex favorite like adventure time in this example

Welcome to the forum!

I moved your post to a thread in the suggestions area requesting this feature.

Don’t forget that you need to click the like button on the first post in this thread to show your support for this suggestion! :wink:

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So if it is a suggestion, i am guessing it is not a feature yet and thus is not possible? , anyways thanks for the reply :heart:

Hello! I hope will add this feature in the future update🙏🏻