Add InfuseSync plugin support for Jellyfin 10.9

Everything is in the title, InfuseSync plugin isn’t compatible with Jellyfin 10.9 which went out yesterday.



Noticed myself too that the plugin is not supported.

Edit: plugin does seem to do its job though. I still see data coming in.

Check out the upcoming features thread.

Not sure it is the same, as the Infuse Sync plugin is not linked to Infuse version. They are separate pieces of software.

It’s a real pity that the plugin doesn’t work, cause it makes the infuse experience worse. I would be happy if the plugin would work again soon! :).

An updated version of InfuseSync for Jellyfin 10.9 is in progress and will be available soon. :slight_smile:


Thank you for the update, James!

Does the InfuseSync plugin provide any benefit to Direct Mode? Or just Library Mode?

It’s only used in Library Mode.

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Thanks @james, syncs are pretty slow without it at the moment.

We have just posted a beta version of InfuseSync 1.5.0 which is available to test.

We are still doing some final internal testing, but things are looking good. If no issues come up, the plugin will be pushed to the main Jellyfin plugin repository soon.

Note: The 1.5.0 plugin requires Jellyfin 10.9+ and is not compatible with earlier versions.


Nice! Can’t wait for it. :slight_smile:

Beta version is working well. Thank you.

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Hi :smiley:
Any ETA for a release?

It seems released already, but not available yet in the Jellyfin Stable Plugin repository.

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The plugin update was released on Tuesday, and is live for Emby servers.

We are currently waiting for the Jellyfin admins to push the update to their catalog.

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Wouldn’t it make more sense if you offered a repository for the Infuse plugin?

Yes! Shouldn’t it be in:

Yes and no. It would give us more control, but would also require extra steps for the normal user to install - which could lead to some confusion.

As-is, the Infuse app itself is able to (optionally) install the plugin automatically on the server when adding a Jellyfin connection in Infuse, without any extra steps required.

Yes but for power users as us, it would be quicker :slight_smile:
FYI, I removed my Jellyfin connection, then removed the old unsupported plugin 1.4.2, and no new plugin was installed. I use docker.

I’ve just set up a new repo for those who want to install this manually.

  1. Navigate to Jellyfin > Settings > Plugins > Repositories

  2. Select the Plus sign to add a repo

  • Name: Firecore
  • URL:

  1. Confirm repo added

  2. Locate InfuseSync in the catalog and choose the 1.5.0 version to install

  3. Restart the server to complete the installation