Since the last version Infuse won‘t scroll to the next episode to watch anymore - when opening a tv show, the list always starts at episode 1 even when the next episode to watch is 20.
Please please please!!!
Add the ability to DECREASE the volume for the currently playing media.
The screenshot you’ve put up show that infuse has selected the next episode so at first glance it looks like it’s working correctly. It’s ready to play the next unwatched episode.
So when you try and scroll left to right on the line of episodes does it not let you scroll at all? Can you select any of the other episodes there?
You’re right.
I am able to play the next episode without scrolling. And I can scroll. But two versions of Infuse ago, the scrolling happened automatically when opening a tv show - the next-to-play episode was selected automatically and appeared as the first item in the side scrolling list.
Just a guess on my part but since this thread is marked as “Pending” I’d guess that the solution to your first problem is being worked on but since the boiler plates for each update are probably already formed for a few in progress updates it may be a few more before you see it unless it’s a simple fix.
As to your request, maybe I’m missing something but can’t you just swipe up on the screen while your video is playing and adjust the volume? That works for me.
Oh and another thing that may be playing a part, that pesky pandemic that’s basically closed down the globe may have a minimal impact.